
Попович Д.І.

Popovych Dmytro Ivanovych

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, professor

Head of department

Scopus ID: 6506631202
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Бончик О.Ю.

Bonchyk Oleksandr Yuriyovych

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Senior Researcher

Scopus ID: ID: 6506308209
WoS Resersher ID: E-4336-2013
Google Sholar

Савицький Г.В.

Savitskij Grygoriy Volodymyrovych

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Senior Researcher

Scopus ID: ID: 55024136800
Google Sholar

Середницький А.С.

Serednytskij Andriy Stepanovych

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Senior Researcher

Scopus ID: ID: 6504359627
Google Sholar


Bovgyra R.V.

Bovgyra Rostyslav Viktorovych

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Senior Researcher

Лесюк Р.І.

Lesyuk Rostyslav Igorovych

Candidate of Technical Sciences


Савка С.С.

Savka Stepan Stepanovych

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences


Venhryn Y.I.

Venhryn Yuriy Ivanovych

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences


Могиляк І.А.

Mohylyak Ivan Adrianovich

Candidate of Technical Sciences

Junior Researcher

Vasjunyk Z.І.

Vasjunyk Zoryana Ivanivna

 Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Junior Researcher

Pawluk W.S.

Pawluk Vasyl Stepanovych

  Leading engineer

Svynaryk M.P.

Svynaryk Mykhaylo Petrovych

  Leading engineer

Жировецький В.М.

Zhyrovetskyy Vasyl Mykhailovych

  Engineer I category